We are the leader in comprehensive pathology and lab services.
A clinical laboratory covers functions associated to toxicology, hematology, clinical chemistry and biology, blood banking, microbiology, and immunology and serology.
Research, quality control, and managing information systems are also required in the process of clinical laboratory in California.
Microscopes along with other diagnostic tools are used to look at specimens such as urine, blood, and other body fluids. Levels of chemicals and other substances present in the body are measured. The results are used to determine further studies that may be needed or to make a diagnosis based on the outcome of testing. Strict protocol in testing, handling, and disposal of specimens are vital in tests accuracy as well as the safety of laboratory technicians and the environment.
What Tests Are Performed?
A variety of tests may be performed to reach diagnosis or to reach a broad result that may suggest further testing. A chemistry screen may be ordered to detect cholesterol, glucose, calcium, sodium, potassium or other substances in the blood. More specific panels test how well certain organs are functioning in the body.
Tests may be ordered to test the function of kidneys, thyroid gland, liver or respiratory system. Previously diagnosed illnesses may need routine hematology testing to see how well the patient is responding to current treatment or to monitor a specific disorder.
The A1C test may be administered on a regular basis to track the progression of diabetes. Bacterial and viral infections are often identified with the use of molecular bacteriology and virology testing to ensure that a patient receives the proper treatment for their illness.

Autoimmune diseases are tested with immunology testing. Testing the immune system may also help to determine how well a patient is able to fight off bacteria and viruses on their own. Clotting and bleeding disorders may be diagnosed with coagulation studies, which measure the clotting of the blood. Before an organ transplant, tissue testing is done to ensure the donated organ is a good match for the person receiving it.
The levels of both legal and illegal drugs in the blood stream are tested through toxicology testing. This testing may also be used to measure the levels of prescribed medications in the body to ensure the patient is taking the correct dosage. Poisons may also be identified in the body and these tests are sometimes used as a part of an autopsy to identify the cause of death. Identifying drugs in the system, monitoring medical conditions and diagnosing the cause of pain and discomfort may be achieved through a urinalysis as well.
Is Testing Safe and Accurate?
Strict quality controls must be followed with regard to a clinical laboratory in California. Correct test results in a safe, timely manner are vital to the operation of these laboratories. Fast results may save lives in some situations and accuracy is vital to the health of every patient. To ensure the integrity of test results, protocols must be followed at all times. Health care providers depend on testing results to diagnose and treat many life-threatening illnesses and conditions. Improper handling of specimens such as feces, urine, and blood may be a danger to the environment and public health. Special care must be taken to ensure that these bio-hazardous materials are disposed of properly.
Why is Clinical Pathology Important?
Patients must be well informed with accurate test results. Our clinical laboratory in California is vital to quality treatment and diagnosis of illness and disease. It is also important to selecting proper long term treatment for those suffering from chronic illnesses. Health care providers can suggest options to their patients that will improve their health and their quality of life. We offer safe, accurate answers to patients with conditions that may be not be treatable without these methods of testing to identify and diagnose them.
Why Choose a Career in Clinical Pathology?
When electing to begin a career in the medical field, an area of study should be chosen early in the decision process. Clinical pathology offers experimentation with and access to cutting edge technologies. The practice is diverse and challenging every day. Possibly the most rewarding reason to choose clinical pathology is that fact that the work is involved in crucial judgments that will influence a patient’s quality of life. Clinical pathologists genuinely have the ability to make a difference in the health care industry and in the lives of patients.
Contact our clinical lab today to learn more about what we do and how you can use our wide range of services.