We are the leader in comprehensive pathology and lab services.
A urinalysis can tell your doctor many different things. For patients with diabetes, a urinalysis is an especially important tool utilized at our urinalysis laboratory in California.
People with diabetes often suffer from serious health problems that can be hard to detect. One of the easiest ways to manage this issue is using urinalysis.
- This diagnostic tool is regularly used by diabetes specialists to discover problems that are plaguing those with diabetes.
- It is then used to find a way to manage them practically.
So if you or someone you love has diabetes and may have a co-occurring concern making it even worse, talk to our urinalysis laboratory in California. They can help provide you with the testing you need to avoid serious health problems. First of all, though, let’s take a look at this process and how it can benefit you or those you love.
What is Urinalysis?
A urinalysis is a test performed in a health-care setting, such as a doctor’s office or a hospital, that uses your urine to diagnose serious health problems. When you visit a urinalysis laboratory in California, you get the chance to get an insight into various diseases that may be affecting your body and your progression of diabetes.
For example, it can be used to diagnose the type of diabetes from which you suffer, your current blood sugar level, and issues that may be impacting your treatment of this disease. These tests are most useful when performed regularly, rather than as problems develop. In this way, it is possible to catch problems before they become more serious.

Why are Urine Tests for Diabetes Important?
There are several different reasons that people with diabetes get urinalysis tests. Some of the best of these urine test uses include the following:
- Diagnosing severe hyperglycemia
- Checking for hypoglycemia
- Gauging potential kidney disease caused by diabetes
- Screening and evaluating the severity of diabetes onset
The items measured in a urinalysis laboratory in California will vary, depending on the problem being checked. For example, those with severe hyperglycemia will have high levels of ketones in their urine. Finding and testing for ketones in the urine helps to more easily diagnose this problem.
However, urinalysis can also be used to check for elevated levels of protein, which is a sure sign of kidney damage. The kidney usually filters out this item from your urine. As a result, when protein is present in concentrated amounts in your urine, the kidney is not operating at its full capacity. Another test performed during a urinalysis is the microalbuminuria testing procedure.
Do They Have Other Functions?
Corona Pathology, a urinalysis laboratory in California can perform a microalbuminuria test on your urine. Like the test for protein, this one is designed to check your body for kidney damage. Due to the severe nature of both diabetes one and diabetes two, this test is a crucial way of assessing the potential damage diabetes is causing your body and avoiding serious complications.
If your microalbuminuria test is positive, the blood vessels in your kidneys may be severely damaged. Unfortunately, this can become a life-threatening problem if not properly managed. Thankfully, there are a few different treatment methods that you can utilize. The following are described as being among the most valuable and positive treatment methods for this issue:
- Medications to slow kidney damage and decrease the level of microalbumin in your urine
- More intensely managed control of your blood sugar, including improved insulin dosage
- Managing cholesterol more efficiently, thereby decreasing the kind of heart damage caused by this problem
- Decreasing blood pressure to avoid the risk of severe blood vessel damage in your kidneys
All of these treatment methods are common when managing diabetes and preventing the development of a more severe disease. They are a useful tool for people like you, as they can keep you from developing more grave and problematic diseases that could threaten your life.
As you can see, urinalysis can be a useful procedure for those who are suffering from diabetes. Staying in contact with our urinalysis laboratory in California can provide you with the help you need to avoid suffering from these debilitating problems.
Make sure to fully understand the nature of this process by talking to your doctor about it. In this way, you can anticipate any complications that may occur. You can also use this information to recover from any serious health problems caused by diabetes by working together with your physician.